HERE IS MY STORY! (and the mail I sent to several customer services of virgin... without any answer...)
virgin is pretending to listen to you, but at the end, it's just lies.several times I heard "alright, I understand your situation, I'm paying back this and this fee, is there anything else I can do? " and phoning the day after, I ALWAYS realised nothing have been paid back at all. so please, stop calling yourself "the best customer service in UK" or stop saying "where are listening to you to provide the best services". it's all rubbish.
Alright, I don't know where to start.
let's start from the beginning!
We are living in Edinburgh and we bought a L size package from one of your that's 17 GBP (Great British Pound) a months. and he asked us to give 35 GBP on the day of the signature, as it would guarantee for them the guarantee that we take the line, and for us, it wouldn't be anything more than using those 35 GBP to pay 2 months in advance. so didn't have anything against that.
so here is what he said: you agreed to take the L size package, and which payment are you choosing? " we said "we don't want the direct debit for the moment"
so he replied "okay, so it'll cost you 17 GBP per months, and I'll take 35 GBP by cash right now, which for you means that on the first month you'll pay 0, second month you'll pay 0 again, and on the 3rd month, you'll pay 17-1=16 GBP and then the month after will be 17 GBP, as normal" that was his own words.
so listening to him and specially his resume of what we would clearly have to pay (we are all students, so that probably the most important point) we clearly understood that there were NO CHARGES for installation, and that the payment by cash WON'T COST US MORE.
then we were really interest as the price was okay for us and there were NO installation charges. then we said that we will connect through the wireless, so he told us "we have a promotion right now, and you'll have a FREE wireless routeur! ". my flatmate said "yeah but I checked on the internet this morining and nothing was written about this free routeur." he replied "yes, I know this isn't written on the website, but it's a promotion we DO have".
so we took the line, regarding that there were no charge for installation, payment by cash without any extra fee, and a free wireless routeur.
after the installation, we didn't have our free routeur, so I phoned the person who sold us the line, and he told me that when he told us about the wireless routeur fo free, he was completely confused because he thought they had this promotion, but they actually didn't have it. so he said "alright, I'm sorry it was my mistake, just go and get the cheapest wireless routeur in a shop, tell me the price, and I'll pay you back as a credit of the value of the routeur. that way, you'll have a routeur you won't have to pay, as I offered you on the day we met, sorry again for my mistake."
so at this point, everything was so fine for us.
then we did few shops and found the cheapest wireless routeur for the lowest quality. 34 GBP. So I was supposed to text the person who sold us the line, the exact price for the routeur, that he 'll pay it back on the virgin bill.
I went on holidays for over one month and my flatmates prefered to let the problems for myself when I'll come back.
So coming back what are the problems on the first bill:
30 GBP for installation charge which was supposed to be free
5 GBP extra on each bill for paying by cash.
I understand those fees are normal, but we bought the internet line from virgin specially because it has been sold to us as no installation charge on no charge for payment by cash. so I wonder what'll be the surprise of tomorrow, which "normal" fee for you are we going to discover again??
The person who sold us the line isn't picking up the phone, as I'm trying to tell him the price of the wireless routeur we are supposed to have paid back, and to ask him what the hell is going on with all of those fees. So I phoned last week the million of hotline that are supposed to be here to help us, I had to explain my story to about 6 people, giving my full details 6 times too, to talk with someone who told me that there is nothing he can do at his level, and I have to get in touch with the person who sold us the line, as this person is the one (or his supervisor) that can do something. but he also sent an email explaining my story to the person who sold us the line (the person who sold us the line is M******, so from now I'll use his first name to stop using "the person who sold us the line") and that I should phone m****** the week after, as he is not working this week.
in between (this morning) I received another bill from virgin. this bill charges us 5 pounds more for not paying it by cash 10 GBP for late payment of the last bill (bill that, as I explained you, was not supposed to exist).
so, as advised, I phoned M****** about 20times during the day, letting him 2 vocal messages after the "hi it's m****** from virgin media, please let a phone number, and I'll get back to you..." begging him to phone me back to have the situation cleared.
then I phoned the sales department, the customer service, the billing service... and a total of 9different service ad people, before finalyy being in touch with someone that can do something for me.
After listening carefully the begining of my troubles, this person (a man that I ignore the name) said "alright, so for the 30pounds for the installation charge, what I can do is I'll credit them back on your account, is that okay for you? " that was exactly brilliant for me as it is the thing I'm looking to get for ages.
okay problem one is successfully solved in 3 minutes, after someone who can do something is listening with attention and trying to give the best of virgin services.
then I told him about my next problem (charges for payment by cash) and he said that he'd like to get in touch with Mickael, who apparently managed this sale in a quite incredible way... so he told me "alright, I'll give a call to him or his supervisor, and I'll call you back in less than 10minutes". I agreed and waited 10 mintes... then 20... then 30... then 1 hour, then finally over one hour and a half when I decided to phone back this person to finish to solve my problem.
But after talking to 10different people in 10 different services, I was completely confused who to ask for. so I phoned the sales department who sent me to the billing department and then I spoke to a woman, and I asked her to pass me on the phone the last person I was talking to 2hours ago, if it's an information she has on my records. she said that she can see who I was talking to, but she didn't want to give me his name or his number but she said she is emailing him to ask him to call me back ASAP. then my problems weren't fixed yet so after hearing my story, she said okay "for the 2 times 5 GBP you have been charged for payment by cash instead of payment by direct debit, apparently you weren't aware of those fee so I agree to pay you those fee back but from nom you are aware of them so you'll have to pay them or use a direct debit". I agreed with what she said and she had "butabout 30 GBP paid back on your virgin account because M****** told you it was free... the person you were in touch with didn't do anything even if you told this person guarantee you he did the opposite...
that's all.
I'm completely powerless regarding the energy I have to spend for something which sounds like an easy problem for me. M****** said just anything to us to make us buy the broadband from virgin, and he over passed the normal offers, offering us a fre routeur, no charge for pyament by cash and a free installation. he said things that we want him to respect, because right now we feel abused and stolen by him, so by virgin.
after spending about 3hours on the phone, 12 pounds on credit phone (virgin phone by the way...), talking to 15people in two days, explaining 15times my problems and giving 15 times my details (name, address, client number, postcode, password, flat number...) my problems are still not solved that's why I'm emailing now, hoping it's going to work this time.
to resume the situation, here are my details:
here is the tricky seller: M****** 07*********
and here are what I'm really expecting you to pay back:
35 GBP (30 of installation charge 5 of cash payment) because the internet broadband has been clearly sold as free of installation charge and no difference between direct debit and cash payment
10 GBP for late payment of a bill we should never have received, regarding the engagement we signed for.
5 GBP (for the bill by cash I received this morning, same reason, no charge was supposed to be applied on)
34 GBP for the free wireless routeur we were supposed to get paid back.
84 GBP is the total of the complain (check on our record because 10 GBP (2times 5GBP) are "supposed" to be already paid back, so the total might be 74 GBP)
for us it means at this very time, we've been told that our bill will be exactly 16 pounds (as the 3rd bill in fact, but the first bill after the 35GBP paid in advance for the first two months) and it is actually 66 GBP... huge difference for students who have been used by a M****** that sold lies.
I don't know if he meant to lead the sale in such a way, but the result is that he did.
thank you for your understanding and for the time you took to read my anger, and I do hope you'll reply to me and meet my expectations.
my expectations are just to pay what Virgin (in the person of M******) engaged to provide us at the price we bought the broadband for.
you can phone me on 07*********, but I'd prefer an answer by email, as I will know who exactly I'm talking to.
thank you.