It takes ages to get someone on the phone after waiting for a long time or until your phone credit runs out. I don't have hot water at the moment. I phoned on Thursday 02/02 to make appointment for Friday 03/02. The engineer Paul showed up, switch on the heater which works for few minutes and switch off after he left within 5mins. I explained the problem that it might start off working but stops all together and not work at all. I phoned their customer service and the two people (male/female) didn't want to know but back Paul's version of events, even though they were not there at my place and I was the one without heating and hotwater. I was told to make another appointment for Monday 06/02 taking another day off. I was really annoyed about it. My appointment was between 12noon to 5pm on Fri 03/02 and still nothing. I was told if I was older in my 60's or child it will be urgent, so what about those in the middle. Does it mean, we don't catch cold.