» Miscellaneous » Review / complaint: Grant Westfield Ltd - Shocking customer service | News #20859

Grant Westfield Ltd
Shocking customer service

We put a new bathroom into our property November as my husband is disabled and our neatest bathroom was at the far end of our property. Our first Taupe Brocade Grant Westwood wetwall arrived. We loved the colour and texture of the board. However after it was fitted and the plastic sheeting taken off we noticed that the boards were all different shades. The rep came out and he agreed, however said that these boards should have been inspected prior to installation. As a good will gesture he replaced them. We received our second delivery of boards. They were inspected and looked fine, however when they were fitted there appeared to be issues again with shading. Our joiners contacted Multipanel and they agreed there was an issue at the factory. They delivered a 3rd set of boards. the joiner took them outside to inspect before fitting took off the plastic sheeting and unbelievably they boards were also different shades. We are now into the middle of April, I have lost faith in the company and their shocking customer service. My husband is still having to use the old bathroom and we are now in a position of trying to source boards from another company at our own expense as no refund from Multipanel has been received yet.

Company: Grant Westfield Ltd

Country: United Kingdom   Region: Midlothian   City: Edinburgh
Address: Westfield Avenue, EH11 2QH
Phone: 01313376262

Category: Miscellaneous


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