» Literature & Books » Review / complaint: Avon Books - Self publishing avon books | News #21163

Avon Books
Self publishing avon books

Going back to 1998 Avon books (tm) fronted by Scaramanga and Robin Saikia had given me big projections for my 1st book "Wyndmyll" (ISBN. 1 86033 576 4) a science fiction set in the future which I wrote in 1996 they said it would do well in terms of sale and charged me over £2,000 for a self publishing contract the book although was listed and had an ISBN no. didn't well in terms of sale and I even featured my case on the your shout (carlton television) I never made back the monies I paid for the book publishing in terms of sale Scaramnga (may not be around now) and Robin Saikia are definately ones to steer clear of, Robin Saikia is portrayed on the internet from what I see as honest sort of character definately not in my opinion. It's a shame my book had potential but still it isn't forgotten.


Company: Avon Books

Country: United Kingdom   Region: England   City: HARROW
Address: HARROW

Category: Literature & Books


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