» Health & Medicine » Review / complaint: General Dental Council UK - Illegal Collusion with dental defence organisations | News #19301

General Dental Council UK
Illegal Collusion with dental defence organisations

The GDC (staff and dentists) illegally colludes with the Dental Protection Ltd and other MDOs (medical defence organisations/ malpractice liability insurers) to conceal and hide certain categories of professional misconduct, and therefore most criminal and complex cases of negligence. This is Orwellian in its level of stinking corruption and is a betrayal of not only public trust, but abuse of what many perceive as a public service.

From what I have seen, the GDC colludes with the DPL (and all other MDOs) when the DPL has previously instructed expert witnesses and dentists to conceal negligence/ malpractice through a series of fraudulent patient dental/ medical reports, manipulated OPG radiagraphs and/ or false expert witness written reports.

The GDC and the MDOs have no real regulators, and we have our government to blame for that. Insurers, such as the Dental Protection Ltd/ Medical Protection Society, are definitely not in danger of financial collapse and now must be made fully accountable through proper regulation.

Monies paid as subscriptions by dental/ medical practitioners for malpractice liability insurance must be used to compensate patients, instead of paying for elaborate and illegal defense tactics. Expert witnesses must provide independent reports and testimony to injured patients and not follow instructions from the DPL to rewrite dentistry and write untruthful expert accounts. Expert witnesses working in forensic medicine also must not deny access to patients seeking a truthful record of their injuries. Attacks on patients' mental states and character, when they are sane and respectable people, are simply very low, pathetic tactics that this industry needs to stop.

Of course, patients and juries can be easily hoodwinked, but this is fraud. Patients are increasingly querying why the police cannot investigate negligence, as well as MDO fraud and collusion. Our Secretary of State for Health and health ministers will have to answer that one soon. Malpractice patients, especially those experiencing traumatic, complex and criminal negligence, must have access to a meaningful complaints and compensation system. We do not have this now.

The General Dental Council should not be a part of the medical defence system and must no longer be complicit in this unethical process of delaying or denying justice to malpractice patients. All patients experiencing professional misconduct /malpractice, not just a few simple inexpensive cases, must have their voices heard and their cases duly and transparently investigated. Currently, serious and complex cases are just getting 'lost', ignored or covered up in the General Dental Council's empty, corrupt system, i.e. a medical defence system run by insurers.

Company: General Dental Council UK

Country: United Kingdom   Region: United Kingdom   City: London
Address: 37 Wimpole St London
Phone: 02078873800

Category: Health & Medicine


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