Terrible (laughable) Customer Service

Internet & Web / Online Scam

So, like many I succomed and bought a bunch of ISK for the ingame system of Eve Online. Yes, I know it was a silly decision to begin with but I had used services like this for other MMOs and we kinda needed the in game money to help build a corporation.

Anyway what happened was that they had promised to send it by a 'contract' a private swap of goods / money if you will, which happens to be the only way that the parent company (CCP) can't track it.

If you are sent money directly (through the in-game mail) it is very often picked up and confiscated.

Well what happened was I ordered it through their site and paid more for ther 15 min transfer on Friday Evening. Nothing happens, can't get hold of anyone to discuss why its not been transfered all night (5 hours). Then on Sunday morning I logged in to find that the the ISK (300 Million) had been transfered directly to my account, then instantly removed and a message waiting for me from CCP warning me not to do it again.

Anyway, so I got onto live help and had this chat with them. I know it's a long one, but it's quite funny really - even if I do say so myself! I really enjoyed the part about the wooden house!

Please wait for a site operator to respond. You are number '1' in the queue. Your wait time will be approximately '0'minute (s) and 6' seconds.

You are now chatting with 'Ginny'

Ginny: Hello, nice to meet you! How may I help you?

Me: Hi, I recieved my ISK for Eve, not through a face to face method, but through a direct transfer which has caused CCP to issue me with a warning and take the 300 Million ISK that I purchased.

Ginny: Ok

Ginny: In the fact we have completd your order

Ginny: We always trade isk by contract

Me: This clearly states otherwise:

Me: Completed Nice to see your order has been finished smoothly. Welcome to purchase with us at any time you need!

Ginny: Yes

Me: I have recieved no contract

Ginny: But in the fact we have completed your order


Me: Not through the specified method or time frame!

Ginny: Moment please

Me: "Sky soldiers deposited cash into [Me]'s account'

Ginny: Please wait!!! 11

Ginny: We have completed your order 1 days ago

Ginny: Have you got your isk??

Me: "2009.07.13 00:01 According to our logs you have received ISK from a verified ISK seller. The case was clear enough to justify a warning and confiscation of the ISK. Buying or selling ingame items using real money is prohibited. Please read the EULA for further information on the subject. Further violations of this nature can and will lead to a ban being placed upon your account."

Me: No I have not!

Ginny: But we have completeed

Ginny: Completed

Me: not by contract!

Me: You stated: "Ginny: We always trade isk by contract"

Ginny: We have mailed it to you

Ginny: Our agent just tell me

Me: yes that is not a contract and has caused it to be removed

Me: why did you do this?

Ginny: We have the screen shot

Ginny: Do you need it?

Ginny: We have the screen shot show we have completed it and send it to your game mail

Me: Why would I want a screen shot of you doing specifically the thing you said you wouldnt?

Me: why was it not transfered by contract?

Ginny: Our agent just tell me

Ginny: We have mailed it to you

Me: would you like a screen shot of my view??

Ginny: The screen shot is the proof

Ginny: I will send the screen shot to you

Me: of what?

Me: why?

Me: you've not done what you said you would

Ginny: The screen shot is the proof!!!

Ginny: It is show we have mailed it to you

Ginny: Do you understand

Me: That you mislead me and that you have caused my account to be questioned??

Me: Ginny: We always trade isk by contract

Me: thats what you said

Me: so why was it deposited straight into the account?

Ginny: Yes

Ginny: But our agent just tell me

Ginny: He mail it

Ginny: Do you know

Me: I dont think you quite understand here

Me: you said

Me: Ginny: We always trade isk by contract

Me: but you didnt

Ginny: I will send the screen shot to [my email address]

Me: did you?

Ginny: Please check it

Ginny: Thanks

Me: screenshot of what?

Me: showing that you DIDNT send it by contract?

Me: how is that going to help??

Ginny: Please check it

Ginny: Thanks

Ginny: We have sent the screen shot to you

Ginny: The screen shot show we have mailed isk to you

Me: Thats great but why wasnt it sent by contract??

Me: Ginny: We always trade isk by contract

Ginny: The screen shot show we have mailed isk to you

Ginny: The screen shot show we have mailed isk to you

Me: but you didnt

Ginny: I don't know

Ginny: Our agent trade that

Ginny: Not me

Ginny: Thanks '

Me: so then it was taken away

Ginny: The screen shot show we have mailed isk to you

Me: so let me speak to him!

Ginny: The screen shot show we have mailed isk to you

Me: Ginny: We always trade isk by contract

Me: Ginny: We always trade isk by contract

Ginny: The screen shot show we have mailed isk to you

Me: I can copy paste too!

Me: Ginny: We always trade isk by contract

Me: Ginny: We always trade isk by contract

Ginny: The screen shot show we have mailed isk to you

Me: Ginny: We always trade isk by contract

Me: Ginny: We always trade isk by contract

Me: 2009.07.13 00:01 According to our logs you have received ISK from a verified ISK seller. The case was clear enough to justify a warning and confiscation of the ISK. Buying or selling ingame items using real money is prohibited. Please read the EULA for further information on the subject. Further violations of this nature can and will lead to a ban being placed upon your account.]

Me: A "Verified ISK seller"

Me: that's you

Ginny: We always trade isk by contract But some times we will mail isk

Me: not a contract

Ginny: We always trade isk by contract But some times we will mail isk

Ginny: We always trade isk by contract But some times we will mail isk

Ginny: We always trade isk by contract But some times we will mail isk

Ginny: We always trade isk by contract But some times we will mail isk

Ginny: We always trade isk by contract But some times we will mail isk

Me: That doesnt make sense!!

Me: You ALWAYS trade by contract BUT?!?

Ginny: But we have completed that order

Me: no you havent

Ginny: The screen shot is the proof

Me: no it isnt!!

Ginny: No reason say you haven't got isk

Ginny: The screen shot is the proof

Ginny: The screen shot is the proof

Me: 2009.07.13 00:01 According to our logs you have received ISK from a verified ISK seller. The case was clear enough to justify a warning and confiscation of the ISK. Buying or selling ingame items using real money is prohibited. Please read the EULA for further information on the subject. Further violations of this nature can and will lead to a ban being placed upon your account.

Ginny: Please check your email

Ginny: Thanks

Me: No you are not listening!

Ginny: The screen shot is the proof

Ginny: The screen shot is the proof

Ginny: The screen shot is the proof

Ginny: The screen shot is the proof

Me: You DID NOT send it by contract!

Ginny: We have mailed it

Me: Ginny: We always trade isk by contract

Ginny: Do you understand???

Me: Do you understand?!?!?

Ginny: We always trade isk by contract But some times we will mail isk

Me: no thats not what you said!

Ginny: Do you know

Ginny: We always trade isk by contract But some times we will mail isk

Ginny: We always trade isk by contract But some times we will mail isk

Me: Ginny: We always trade isk by contract

Ginny: We always trade isk by contract But some times we will mail isk

Me: Also, you specifically allowed me to spend more to get it in 15 mins!

Me: it took 2 days!

Ginny: We always trade isk by contract But some times we will mail isk

Ginny: We always trade isk by contract But some times we will mail isk

Me: Hello??

Ginny: Please check your game mail for isk

Ginny: Thanks

Me: Ginny: We always trade isk by contract

Ginny: Please check your game mail for isk, and check your email for the screen shot

Me: I dont want it through the game mail!!

Me: I want it through a contract!!

Ginny: Please check your game mail for isk, and check your email for the screen shot

Ginny: But we have done that

Me: Like you said!

Me: Ginny: We always trade isk by contract

Me: No you havent

Ginny: But we have done that

Me: You have not sent it by contract!

Ginny: We have completed that order

Ginny: We have the screen shot

Me: You didnt do it!

Ginny: The screen shot is the proof

Ginny: :(

Me: That you did it wrong!

Ginny: No

Ginny: The screen shot is the proof

Me: Do you realise how many times you have contradicted yourself??

Ginny: The screen shot is the proo

Ginny: proof

Me: of what??

Ginny: Show we have mailed it '

Me: that you DIDNT send it by contract, like you said you would and ALWAYS do??

Me: Ginny: We always trade isk by contract

Ginny: We have mailed it

Me: thats not a contract then is it?

Ginny: We have mailed it

Ginny: We have mailed it

Ginny: We have mailed it

Ginny: We have mailed it

Ginny: We have mailed it

Ginny: We have mailed it

Me: Ginny: We always trade isk by contract

Ginny: We have mailed it

Me: so why mail it?

Ginny: We have mailed it

Me: Why??


Me: Why did you mail it??

Ginny: Please check your email for screen shot

Ginny: That's the proof

Me: No, answer me!

Ginny: I don't know

Me: Why did you mail it?

Ginny: Our agent mail it

Ginny: Not me

Me: find out then

Ginny: Our agent mail it

Me: or make a new contract

Ginny: Our agent mail

Me: or refund me the $$

Ginny: Our agent mail it

Ginny: No way

Me: I really dont care who did it - it was done wrong

Ginny: Our agent have completed that

Ginny: So no way

Ginny: Thanks

Me: No he didnt

Ginny: No refund and no contract

Me: he was lazy

Me: and mailed

Ginny: He did

Me: not contract

Me: Ginny: We always trade isk by contract

Ginny: Yes he mailed it

Me: Why?

Ginny: So he completed it

Me: Ask him why

Ginny: I am the new live person

Ginny: So i don't know he mail it

Me: Ask him, "Mr 'agent' why have you mailed it? "

Ginny: No reason

Me: No, ask him

Me: now

Me: go on

Me: ask him

Ginny: You can contact her by email


Me: oh sorry, her

Me: ask her

Ginny: You can contact her by email


Me: why should i have to when you employ her?

Me: she is your employee

Ginny: Please ask her

Me: your responsibility

Ginny: Thanks


Ginny: Yes

Me: so you're shifting the blame?


Me: who's fault is it?

Ginny: I have told you we have completed your order

Ginny: That's not our fault

Me: no

Me: who's fault is it


Ginny: We have mailed it, and we have the screen shot

Ginny: That's all

Ginny: We have completed it

Ginny: No fault

Me: who's fault is it? You didnt send it by contract - you sent it by mail

Ginny: I don't know

Me: there is fault

Me: so who's fault is it?

Me: yours

Ginny: We have completed it

Me: so sort it out

Me: no you havent

Ginny: So it is correct

Ginny: And we have the screen shot

Ginny: Please check the screen shot

Ginny: That's the proof

Me: thats like saying "I'll build you a house out of bricks" Then I make it out of wood

Me: do you understand that?

Ginny: We have mailed it

Ginny: That's the screen shot

Me: Do you understand that?

Ginny: Sorry

Me: sorry what?

Ginny: I know we have completed your order

Ginny: That's all

Me: Do you understand what i said?

Ginny: I know

Ginny: You say you haven't got isk

Me: If i built you a brick house out of wood would you be happy? Would you be happy if i said "I completed your order"


Me: would you?

Ginny: But we have the screen shot show we have completed

Me: Answer my question

Ginny: No

Me: thank you so you know why I am angry?

Me: And very very dissapointed in your 'servic'

Me: *'service'

Ginny: k

Me: so...?

Ginny: But i have no idea now

Me: what are you going to do about it?

Ginny: Cause our agent have the screen shot

Me: so?

Ginny: But i have no idea now Cause our agent have the screen shot

Me: I could show you your new 'brick house' made from wood!

Ginny: So we have completed your order, that's all

Me: still wouldnt change the fact that I made it from wood and not bricks would it??

Ginny: No

Ginny: We have completed your order

Me: exactly

Ginny: So we can't trade again

Me: Hello??

Ginny: Or refund

Me: are you even listening to me??

Ginny: Yes

Me: So I've taken your thousands of dollars and made your wooden house and now you want a refund I'm saying no

Me: what?

Ginny: But we have completed your order

Me: you wouldnt be happy would you?

Ginny: Do you know

Me: no you havent!!

Ginny: We have the screen shot

Me: I dont care you're not listening!!

Ginny: Do you have the screen shot?

Ginny: We have the screen shot show we have mailed it

Me: I dont care about the sodding screenshot - it just proves your wrong!!

Me: You are wrong!

Ginny: But we have completed it

Me: It proves you sent it by direct mail and not contract!

Ginny: The screen shot is the proof

Me: Yeah that you're wrong

Me: proof that you're wrong



Ginny: :(

Me: :(?

Ginny: :(

Me: I'm this&-gt; :@

Ginny: k

Me: That's a f***ing angry face in case you've not seen one before

Ginny: :(

Ginny: I see

Me: I've never had this problem before, it's incredible

Ginny: Sorry

Me: why would you use the in game mail when it would be so obvious to CCP?

Me: thank you, so now what are you goint to do about it?

Me: *going

Ginny: We can't solve that

Ginny: Cause we have completed your order

Me: what do you mean you cant solve that??



Ginny: So we can't give you a refund or isk again

Me: Why not??

Ginny: :(

Ginny: Cause you don't have the screen shot show you haven't got isk

Me: Hell, I could create a 'screenshot' like that in Photoshop!

Ginny: But we have the screen shot show we have completed your order!!!

Me: that could be a fake!

Ginny: Ok

Me: lol

Ginny: Ok

Me: jesus this is hard work

Ginny: After you have a screen shot please come back after 12 hours

Ginny: At then we will send the screen shot to our manager

Ginny: He will see it and solve your problem

Me: sorry what?

Me: I'm confused

Ginny: k

Ginny: I know

Ginny: But how can i help you now?

Ginny: Give you a refund?

Ginny: Or give you isk again?

Me: That would be lovely a refund :)

Ginny: Sorry, i can't decide that

Me: so why offer?

Ginny: Sorry i can't give you a refund

Me: Why not?

Me: You just offered it to me

Ginny: We have send the isk to your game mail

Ginny: We can't give you a refund

Me: Ginny: But how can i help you now? Ginny: Give you a refund?

Me: You just offered it to me

Ginny: We can't send isk to you for free

Me: Then give my money back

Ginny: No

Me: I dont mind

Ginny: I said i can't

Me: Why not?

Ginny: No i can't

Me: Why not?

Ginny: Cause we have send isk to you

Me: No you havent

Ginny: So i can't give you a refund

Ginny: You can't get isk for free

Me: Yes you can

Ginny: I cant

Me: no i dont want any of your ISK i want my money back

Me: yes you can

Me: I'll get a payment ready for you

Ginny: Sorry

Ginny: But we have mailed it

Ginny: So we can't give you a refund and isk

Me: yes you can

Ginny: No need

Me: yes there is

Ginny: And i can't

Me: I am categorically not in posession of 300 million ISK sent from you

Ginny: No need

Ginny: We can't give you a refund

Me: Yes you can

Ginny: :(

Ginny: I can't

Me: you can refund me my $'s

Me: yes you can

Ginny: We can't give you isk for free

Me: I dont want ISK for free

Me: I want my US$ back please

Ginny: We can't give you a refund

Ginny: Cause we have completed your order

Me: No you havent

Me: What's your email address?

Ginny: We can't give you a refund

Me: Yes you can

Ginny: I can't

Ginny: I can't

Me: You can

Me: what's your email address?

Ginny: I can't

Me: I'll use the one you sent from


Me: There you go, you can check your mail now

Ginny: Check what?

Me: Your email

Me: Now you can refund me

Me: :)

Ginny: I can't

Me: Yes you can

Me: just look at your email

Ginny: I have told you many times

Ginny: I can't

Me: there's a button there and everything

Me: you can

Me: just look

Me: go on

Ginny: Sorry

Ginny: I can't

Me: no

Me: do it

Me: you can

Ginny: I can't

Me: just click the button

Ginny: Sorry

Ginny: I can't

Me: no you can

Ginny: I can't

Me: you can

Ginny: I can't

Me: you can

Me: Do it

Ginny: I can't

Me: it's not difficult

Ginny: I can't

Me: you can

Ginny: I can't

Me: you can

Me: we could be here all day at this rate

Ginny: I can't

Me: you can

Ginny: I can't

Me: you can

Ginny: I can't

Me: come on what's your paypal password? I'll do it for you

Ginny: I can't

Me: yes you can you're just being difficult

Ginny: I am not in charge of refund

Ginny: So I can't

Me: who is?

Ginny: Our agent

Me: So let me speak to them

Ginny: But he can't give you a refund

Me: What?

Ginny: Cause we have completed your order

Ginny: So no refund

Me: Who's in charge of refunds?

Ginny: You can add her msn:

Me: I already have

Ginny: Have you add her msn?

Ginny: She will speak with you On msn

Me: I will add her

Ginny: I can't tell you

Ginny: Thanks

Ginny: Anything else?

Ginny: I can tell you

Ginny: I can't give you a refund

Me: yes I'd like my money back

Ginny: Norway

Me: Norway?

Me: what's that got to do with anything?

Ginny: No way!!!

Ginny: We can't give you refund

Ginny: Do you know?

Me: Do i know what?

Me: that you didnt complete the order?

Ginny: We have completed

Ginny: We have the proof

Ginny: That's all

Me: Thats not good enough

Me: brick / wooden house

Me: remember that scenario?

Ginny: :(

Me: do you remember that scenario?

Me: do you understand it?

Ginny: No

Me: Ok should i explain it again?

Ginny: No need

Me: well there obviously is


Me: Well you obviously dont understand

Me: would you like me to explain it?

Ginny: K

Me: so you do understand?

Ginny: I know we have completed your order

Ginny: That's all

Me: no it isnt

Ginny: :(

Me: Seriously, I want my money back.

Ginny: Sorry we can't give you money back

Me: yes you can

Ginny: I can't

Me: yes you can

Ginny: But i can't give you a refund

Ginny: I have told you many times

Me: and so have i

Ginny: We have completed your order

Me: no you havent

Ginny: We have the screen shot

Me: so?

Me: and what does this screenshot mean to you?

Ginny: The screen shot is the proof

Me: proof of what?

Ginny: The proof show we have mailed it

Ginny: Please check it by your self

Ginny: Thanks

Me: the proof that shows you didnt complete the order?

Ginny: Yes

Ginny: Please check it again

Ginny: We have mailed isk to you

Me: That's perfect - acknowledgement that you're in the wrong

Ginny: Ok

Ginny: Come back after 12 hours

Me: why?

Ginny: At then i will ask o ur manager to solve your problem

Ginny: Ok?

Me: Why not now?

Ginny: Cause i can't solve it

Me: Why not?

Ginny: I can't

Ginny: I am not the manager

Ginny: Do you know

Me: Yeah you're not the manager

Me: but you're the leading in command if he's not there

Ginny: You can come back after 12 hours

Me: you make the decisions

Me: no now.

Ginny: At then we will ask our manager

Me: no. Now.

Me: money please

Me: go to

Me: or i could take it up with them

Me: they afterall do know the law

Me: which obviously you dont

Me: Should I contact PayPal?

Me: Should I go to paypal?

Ginny: Sorry

You are not currently in a chat session.

At this point I was disconnected!

I then went onto speak to the 'agent' (on MSN at the address mentioned) who repeated over and over that their 'lawyer will contact you in 24 hours' and that she would 'see you in court'. Obviously there 'you' referred to me. I asked her if she was going to get on a plane (from China) and fly to me (In the UK) to take me to court, to which she went offline, presumably blocking my MSN from contacting her.

Basically, if you are desperate enough to buy fake money with real cash, make sure you know where you're trying to get it from. If you can use word of mouth from friends etc.

Thankfully It wasn't a lot of money and the whole converstaion made me nearly wet myself with laughter! But needless to say I won't be using them again!

Country: United Kingdom
Region: England
  <     >  


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