Berger & Company PLC
Smokescreen ripoff

Shops & Trade

"Bob" from "London" may well be right when he says that DTI officers are LEGALLY forbidden from discussing any investigation, even with those who complained, but they DO. I responded to an ad in Private Eye (way back) and received the following 2 forwarded e-mails.

From: "Slavin Andrew (Mr AJ)"
To: "''"
Subject: Berger & Co PLC
Date: Wed, 18 Sep 2002 10:19:21 0100

Private & Confidential
Department of Trade & Industry
Company Law & Investigations Directorate
Companies Investigations Branch
10 Victoria Street
London SW1H ONN
Direct line 020 7215 3016
Our ref 8.14/AJS/16203
Your ref
Date 17 September
Enquiries 020 7215 5000
020 7215 6740 Textphone
Fax 020 7304 0102
Dear Sir,
Re: Berger & Company PLC (Reg No. 02802225)
I refer to your advert in Private Eye of 23 August.
I work in the Department of Trade & Industry. I would be grateful for any information you have regarding the above company and its trading methods.

On 12 July the Secretary of State for Trade & Industry issued a petition in the High Court for the Winding up of Berger & Company PLC in the public interest. The company is contesting the petition that, as a result, is not likely to be heard for a number of months. Unfortunately I will not be able to give you detailed advice or information regarding Berger & Co PLC. However I assure you that the Department would be most grateful for any information you can supply.

Yours Sincerely
Andrew Slavin

From: "Slavin Andrew (Mr AJ)"
To: "'Richard Little'"
Subject: RE: Berger & Co PLC
Date: Thu, 19 Sep 2002 15:41:06 0100

Mr Little

Thank you for your swift reply.

At this stage, to avoid taking up too much of your time or causing you any great expense, I don't feel that it is necessary to send me all of the printouts regarding Berger & Co PLC that you have received. However I think it might be useful to get details of the number of e-mails you have received and a summary of the main areas of concern that people have with Berger's trading methods. If I do need further details about specific complaints at a later date, I can contact you then.

I look forward to your reply. I am grateful for your assistance in this matter.

Andrew Slavin

Ergo, if "Bob" is right, then this particular DTI officer is breaking the law.

Manchester, United Kingdom

Company: Berger & Company PLC
Country: United Kingdom
Region: United Kingdom
City: Edinburgh
Address: 8b St. Vincent Street
Phone: 1312202412
  <     >  


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