1&1 Internet
Account not cancelled

Internet & Web

I had a domain with 1&1 which I cancelled with them. They did not cancell it and continued to charge me. Emailing the domain which I assumed had been cancelled and was no longer using, to advise me of the bills. They have now passed it on to a debt collection agency for £11. I have advised them I will not be paying this and expect to have the debt written off, also requesting it to be passed on to their Director of Customer Services / Compalints.

This is the most recent reply from them:

I know the previous response might not have been the response that you

were looking for. However, this is the response we need to give. This

is a situation where the account was left delinquent for some time and

that caused our automated system to pass this account to collections.

Despite these actions not grasping your attention, these were honest

efforts to contact you. As an internet company, email is our preferred

use of contact. Furthermore, when the account is further delinquent, we

suspend the service. We have give ample time and notice for this

account. There is nothing we can do at this point. I am sorry.

If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact us.



John Keefer

Customer Service

1&1 Internet Limited

This is the reply Ihave sent:

You still have not even tried to resolve this complaint. this is a

complaint with yourself which you need to deal with and judging by the

following web sites I am not alone with this problem.



http://www.grumbletext.co.uk/vt.php? t=1242




This list goes on and on.

This seems to be a reoccuring issue you have with many which needs to

be resolved. The account was closed with you and not used. You then

continued to charge me, and as I was no longer using it, assuming it

had been closed, was not aware.

This is not acceptable by any means.

I have requested for this to be passed on to the Director of Customer

Services/Complaints (I assume this is the same in your company) and I

expect it to be.

I will start loggin this on the above websites, maybe then you will

take some appropriate action.

James Dennis

Company: 1&1 Internet
Country: United Kingdom
Region: England
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