Ripoff medications no product no refund Internet

Health & Medicine

I ordered a product that never arrived!
After 2 weeks they e-mail and said they were out!
Asked for refund 2 weeks ago, they claim they are trying to refund money but I still have not recieved it!

Company: WorldExpressRX
Country: United Kingdom
Region: United Kingdom
City: London
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Viv 3 labs
Credit card scam

Kaspersky Lab UK Limited
Kaspersky Ksapersky Internet Security Key Problem - 268554985 (KMM20651659I11273L0KM), W1G 9DQ

Viv 3 Labs complaints
How to get a refund from Viv3Labs

Viv3 Labs
How to get a refund from VIv3 Labs

Cancelled the order but still billed

MagellanRx, Emerald Marketing Ltd
MagellanRx, Emerald Marketing, ExpediaRX ripoff, Kent
Is A Scam is a scam non delivery rip off

Gatwick Airport Security
Theft and intimidation

Bella Bathrooms
Terms and Conditions that do not allow the customer to return a faulty product past 48 hours and shockingly unfriendly customer support

WCCL Network - - Bradley Thompson
Promised a refund after returning the product then will not receive the product after attempted deliveries Othe