Adrian Martin & co Gem Construction ltd/bmd INACCURATE AND UNFOUNDED

Construction & Repair

All accusations on this site in relation to adrian martin and glenda martin gem construction and bmd have been investigated by 1. the Ulster bank 2 Independent administrators 3. independent insolvency practitioners 4. the police 5. the public prosecution service. All financial records are in the public domain from 2000 and have been exonerated by all of the above and indeed two of the above have placed blame squarely with the banks. Furthermore the solicitor and accountant involved with all investments have also been exonerated by the PPS. The accusations are inaccurate and unfounded and the defamation and intent are now the subject of a legal and libel process

Company: Adrian Martin & co Gem Construction ltd/bmd INACCURATE AND UNFOUNDED
Country: United Kingdom
Region: United Kingdom
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Book Shop Of india
Goods Not delivered but Fully Charged - Book Shop Of India

Shell Petroleum Development Company of England
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Tobaco/British Tobacco Worldwide Promotion
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