Vauxhall astra gtc
Ubbish customer service

Cars & Transport

We bought a brand new Astra GTC from Banbury Vauxhall, dont ever buy a car from there, we had a few teething problems, ie part of the dash kept popping out, the driver side door popped & was opening too far & the all the rubber around the passenger window tore. The liar of a service manager tried to glue the rubber but told us he had replaced it, told us they had replaced the part on the door all they did was oil it & the dash they superglued down but left a load of glue showing, but that was ok to do because they used Vauxhall glue. These people down there are a bunch of cowboys & aren't interested if you spend £24, 000 on a car. In fact we were told if we wanted a car with no problem go to BMW or Mercedes. What a great advert for vauxhall - NOT.

Company: Vauxhall astra gtc
Country: United Kingdom
Region: England
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