Dreadful service

Cars & Transport

Having travelled from Newcastle England 7th Jan to Brisbane Aus.by Emirates Airline going economy class

The journey from Newcastle to Dubai was uneventful however when boarding the flight to Brisbane via Singapore a 'person' was sitting in my pre-booked seat when I informed her this was my seat her mother in the next seat said they were all travelling together but this large child had been booked into a seat further back in the aircraft and assumed I would just move - she had no intention of giving up the seat to me I informed the stewardess who seemed not concerned I was not pleased the stewardess informed me to go to the other seat the large child had been issued as a temp. after a while I was moved to an isle seat only to be informed by three other customers these were their seats and so moved again NOT to an isle seat but between a very large chap and a chap with a heavy cold Some time later I asked to see the purser I explained the situation and asked if my original seat would be mine after Singapore NO was the reply - he did give me a glass of champagne and chocs for the hasslel he had then wrote on my boarding pass seat number 33c was mine after Singapore I felt reassured. However this was not the case when I boarded at Singapore a 'person' was sitting in the seat the purser had given me - by this time I was extremely angry asked what was going to happen everyone of the staff I spoke too seemed at a loss but by Emirates policy could not give me an upgrade - once again I ended up sitting not in an isle seat This is NOT the treatment I expect from a renowned airline

Company: Emirates
Country: United Kingdom
Region: United Kingdom
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Emirates Airline
Appointment lette


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