Don’t fall victim to the ploys of Coracall

Business & Finance

If a fraud company wishes to deceive naïve individuals it can easily do so. After all fraud companies do not come with a warning sign. Sometimes individuals wish they were aware of the true intentions of a particular company, maybe then they would not have fallen prey to it.

Customers would be relieved if they were able to identify a fraud company and stay away from it. One such company that is presently out to fool customers is Coracall. Coracall is a company based in South Africa that operates out of call center based in KwaZulu Natal.

But how could Coracall harm customers?

Well Caracalla will contact individuals and claim that they want some private information/data of theirs for research purposes. Unsuspecting customers will willingly oblige and it is here that they will be making a blunder. Because Coracall will soon sell their information to various product selling companies and from here on the real nightmare will begin.

Soon individuals will be harassed by a number of marketing calls from various product selling companies at all times. Even those customers who had opted for TPS compliance and have their numbers registered on the Do Not Call lists will be harassed. And why will this happen?

Well it’s simple, it’s because the individuals themselves gave out their personal information! But these individuals are clearly the victims out here. They agreed to give out private information for research purposes and not for marketing purposes. Therefore, their trust was violated as well as marketing norms were broken.

What makes us believe Coracall will do this?

Well we are sure this is precisely what Coracall is going to indulge in because they are Phruit born all over again.

Well, wait a minute what did Phruit Limited do?

Phruit Limited was a UK based company that existed up until 2010 because that was the year their illegal and unethical marketing practices came to light. Phruit indulged in what is termed as “sugging”.This means that they obtained personal information of customers stating it was for research purposes and then sold it to various product selling companies for monetary gains.

Consumer complaints and investigations launched by the DMC revealed that Phruit had violated the following guidelines:

1. 21.18 and 21.20 on TPS compliance and data cleansing

2. 3.11 under which Phruit has a responsibility for compliance by suppliers

3. 3.18 on “sugging” or carrying out sales and marketing under the disguise of research

Phruit lost its credibility as well as the trust of its customers following this revelation and went underground ‘apparently”. But while they were underground they planned their comeback strategy and changed locations to South Africa as well as acquired a new name-Coracall and are now back on the market scene.

How can we connect Phruit to Coracall, what proof could we possibly have?

Phruit is owned by a British company called Assured Capital Holdings and Mr. Phil Lightfoot, the director of Phruit Limited is the chief executive officer of Coracall. And what cannot be missed is that Coracall offers services that bear a striking similarity to those offered by Phruit.

Agents of Coracall will state that they haven’t yet indulged in such activities nor do they intend to. However, what guarantee is there that Coracall with their direct link to Phruit will not engage in similar illegal practices. It’s always better to be on one’s guard than to get fooled because one is unaware. However, if one has already received calls from Coracall then they should not sit quietly but should immediately raise their voice against Coracall.

Coracall can be contacted at the following address:

Barnby House,

Barnby Gate,



NG24 1PZ.

Or they can be called up at 08455 199131

Emily Edison will not let a fraud company like Coracall to fool innocent individuals. She is against illegal practices and thus wishes to save customers from the clutches of Coracall as it is Phruit that has taken on a new mask to trick innocent customers all over again.

Company: Coracall
Country: United Kingdom
Region: United Kingdom
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Coracall is definitely not the company you want to place your trust in

The last thing to do is trust Coracall!

Phruit has woken up from its slumbe

Coracall is setting a trap, avoid it!

Coracall does not have honest intentions

Don’t get yourself involved with Phruit

Once a fraud always a fraud!

Stay away from Coracall and you will be thankful you did!

Get your defenses up people Phruit is back

Remember to stay away from Coracall if you don’t want to get deceived